Source code for

import os

from curio import Kernel

from . import server, abstract
from .http import HTTP, Stream
from .router import Router

AbstractApp = abstract.AbstractApp
h2_server = server.h2_server

[docs]def default_get(app): """ This function is the default handler for GET request whose :path is registered in the router. To be more clear, a user does not have to register GET /index.html or GET / Any :path which is not found in the router will initiate this method. This method treats all requests as a GET /static_file. If :path is not a existing file path, it returns status code 404. Users should not use this function. """ async def f(request, response): route =[':path'].lstrip('/') full_path = os.path.join(app.root, route) if os.path.exists(full_path): await response.send_file(full_path) # await http.send_file(stream, full_path) else: await response.send_status_code(404) # await http.send_error(stream, 404) return f
[docs]def get_index(app): """ The default handler for GET /. The default behavior for GET / is GET /index.html. If a user specifies a default_file in the constructor of App, the behavior becomes GET /default_file Users should not use this function. """ async def f(request, response): await response.send_file(os.path.join(app.root, app.default_file)) # await http.send_file(stream, os.path.join(app.root, app.default_file)) return f
[docs]class App(AbstractApp): """ This class is the main class which users should be interact with. This is the only class which users should construct. """ def __init__(self, address="", port=5000, root='./public', auto_serve_static_file=True, default_file='index.html', router=Router): """ :param port: TCP port :param root: root directory to serve :param serve_static_file: automatically serve static files without manually register routes :param default_file: default static file to serve :param router: the router class to use """ self.port = port self.address = address self.root = os.path.abspath(root) # todo: implement static_file_handle and root_route self.default_file = default_file if auto_serve_static_file: self._router = router(default_get(self)) else: self._router = router(None) # will server this file on GET '/' if default_file: self.get('/', get_index(self))
[docs] def up(self): """ Start the server. This is the last function users should call. Users only call this function after set up all routing handlers. """ kernel = Kernel(), self.port), certfile="{}.crt.pem".format("localhost"), keyfile="{}.key".format("localhost"), app=self), shutdown=True)
[docs] def get(self, route: str, handler): """ Register a GET handler. :param route: A string which represent a RESTful route with optional parameters .. code-block:: python "/path/<parameter name>/..." :param handler: A handler function. Has to be async. .. code-block:: python async def handler(request, response): something... response.send(...) """ self._router.register('GET', route, handler)
[docs] def post(self, route: str, handler): """ The same as self.get except that it's for POST """ self._router.register('POST', route, handler)
# async
[docs] async def handle_route(self, http: HTTP, stream: Stream): """ When the framework gets a incoming request, handle this request to corresponding routing handler. Only used by the framework. Users should never call it. """ await self._router.handle_route(http, stream)